Monday, May 7, 2012


So the reason that I didn't blog for a month was that I took the MCAT on April 5th. I basically had spaghetti for a brain for the entire month of April. I will be finding out sometime this week how I did. I am SO nervous. My husband and my brother were the only people who knew before I took it that I was taking it.

April was the longest month ever. It takes 30-35 days for the scores to come through. This means that I have been waiting un-patiently for 32 days and have not gotten my results yet. :) I really have been checking the website multiple times a day since about the two week mark. I'm starting to feel like I'm proving the old adage that a watched pot never boils.

Top Three Tips for people who have never taken the MCAT:
3. Someone go with or at least drop off and pick up the person taking the test. Driving while that nervous or that noodle-like isn't much fun.

2. Send snacks like Teddy Grahams. I was so nervous the only things I ate before my test (which was a 1PM exam) were animal crackers and Teddy Grahams. I didn't want to get sick.

1. Please don't ask afterwards how the test taker thought he or she did. The scoring on the MCAT is scaled. So the raw score is important, but you don't have any clue after a 5 hour test what any of the questions were let alone how you answered them. :)

I drove home in noodle-mode and wanted to sleep for two months. However, I did not. I worked the next day. :) My exam was on a Thursday so I just took that day off. I left at 8AM and was home by 8PM. I was at work at 5:30AM the next morning. Yes, I'm most likely crazy.

I made it. I survived the MCAT and am hoping that I don't have to take it again. Ever. Well, I am on to the rest of my day. Hope you have a great week. TTFN.